Good physics science journals
Good physics science journals

good physics science journals

PLEASE NOTE: All general scientific summaries will be assessed for suitability by the NJP Editorial Board and staff team. Part of the manuscript revision process following peer-review. Summary.doc’) or TeX file (entitled ‘General summary.tex’) either at the original article submission stage, or as

good physics science journals

All non-standard symbols, abbreviations and acronyms should be defined in full.Īuthors wishing to include a general scientific summary with their NJP paper should do so by supplying a Word file (entitled ‘General.Authors are strongly encouraged to include one representative figure (with caption).Wider implications – a summarizing statement that puts the work into a broader context and highlights any wider implications and.Has been extended as a result of the study. Main result(s) – a synopsis of the main result(s) reported in the paper and a statement of how scientific knowledge on the topic.State of scientific knowledge in the field. Introduction and background – a short and accessible introduction to the topic aimed at providing a brief outline of the current.The summary should be structured into the following three distinct sub-sections (the headings must be included in the text):.The summary should not be longer than 250 words.In writing a general scientific summary, authors are asked to adhere to the following guidelines: Scientific summaries are reported below or you can browse the main web page to look for articles containing a general scientific summary. Summaries that do not meet these criteria will not be published. Readers outside of the immediate field of the article. It is therefore a crucial requirement for the summary to be written in terms that are understandable to Research was done and why the results are important. The aim of the general scientific summary in NJP is for an author to explain to a general reader (with an assumed graduate physics background) why their We hope that this additional content will provide another valuable resource for NJP's many users worldwide. The purpose of this additional feature is to increase theĪccessibility of articles in New Journal of Physics (NJP) to a broad, non-specialist readership, and to raise the overall visibility and understanding In modern physics, some major subdivisions include atomic, nuclear, and particle physics, and interdisciplinary fields like astrophysics.Authors are encouraged to submit a general scientific summary to accompany their work. In classical physics, those fields include mechanics, thermodynamics, sound, light and optics, and electricity and magnetism. Like other fields of science, physics is commonly subdivided into a number of more specific fields of research. As it happens, the laws of classical physics are generally inapplicable or applicable only as approximations to the laws of modern physics. Modern physics, in contrast, concerns the nature and behavior of particles and energy at the submicroscopic level. In general, classical physics deals with topics on the macroscopic scale-that is, on a scale that can be studied with the largely unaided five human senses. Included among these were Albert Einstein’s theories of general and special relativity, Max Planck’s concept of the quantum, Werner Heisenberg’s principle of indeterminacy, and the concept of the equivalence of matter and energy. The dividing line between these two categories was drawn in the early 1900s, when a number of revolutionary new concepts about the nature of matter were proposed.

good physics science journals

The field of physics is commonly subdivided into two large, main categories: classical and modern physics. Physics, the foundation of all other sciences, is an attempt to provide a comprehensive rational explanation of the structure and workings of the universe. Get your head around the field of physics, which is the science that deals with matter and energy and the interactions between them.

Good physics science journals